I guess you could call me a diaper lover phone sex lady, in addition to a Mommy. I know most Mommies also enjoy boys in diapers, but not all of them do. But that’s not something you’ll ever have to worry about with me because I adore boys in diapers!
My Diaper Lover Status Started Several Years Ago
If you’re wondering how I became a diaper lover phone sex Mommy, I’ll be happy to tell you the story. After I graduated college, I got pretty involved in the local BDSM community. And it just so happened that this particular community had a number of littles, adult babies, and diaper boys and girls. (No idea why. It just did, for some reason!)Anyway, a friend of mine (who eventually got me into doing Mommy Domme phone sex) had a sub who was into diapers. He wasn’t really an AB, but he did like wearing diapers. He was always looking for excuses to wear them, and she was happy to provide them for him. He was sometimes a bit bratty, and her “funishments” often involved putting him into diapers.
So what does this have to do with my diaper fetish phone sex calls, you ask? Just bear with me a few minutes, and you’ll see for yourself. ๐
One day, when I was visiting the two of them, he was playfully bratting around after she’d told him he wasn’t allowed to touch himself. He did it, anyway, and so she put him in diapers as his “funishment.” I suggested cuffing his hands behind his back with leather cuffs to further make sure he wasn’t getting himself into trouble. ๐
Curiosity Killed The Mommy, But Satisfaction Brought Her Back
So we continued our visit while he sat there in his diaper with his hands cuffed behind his back. I kinda thought he looked cute in his diaper and t-shirt and nothing else.At some point, though, he ended up wetting his diaper. So my friend took him to the adult-sized changing table that she had (which was really a made-over massage table). She asked if I wanted to join her while she changed him, so I said yes because I thought they’d both love it. And also, I was a little curious, myself.
So I watched as my Mommy friend changed her diaper fetish boy’s diaper. She deftly unfastened the dirty one and slid it out from under his bottom and into the trash can next to the table. Then, she carefully cleaned him up with a baby wipe. After that, she turned to me with a smile and asked if I wanted to powder him. How could I say no?
I’ve Been Doing Diaper Fetish Phone Sex Calls Ever Since!
After this experience, I started going over more and more often, and they started letting me participate in their scenes–scenes that I know you diaper fetish phone sex lovers would’ve adored! I soon learned how to change his diapers myself. Between that and the many littles and abies in the local community, I soon found myself immersed in the ageplay community. And you know what? I loved it!When I began taking Mommy phone sex calls, some of my first calls were diaper fetish phone sex and ABDL phone sex sessions. I started learning the difference between real-life sessions and phone sessions…and the similarities, too!
And, honestly, the rest is history.
So thanks to my friend and her little diaper fetishist, here I am! So if you have any diaper fetish phone sex confessions or fantasies you’d like to share with me, I’m all ears. All you have to do is give me, Mommy Lennox, a call at the number below. ๐