
I’ve been asked for a schedule page a few times, so I thought I would make one for you guys.

I don’t keep a strict schedule, as I have a fairly flexible life that requires different things at different times.

However, to give you a rough idea of when I’m available, you can usually catch me in the afternoons and evenings, between 3 pm and 12 am Central time, with a brief break in between for dinner. I am available most days and do not have a set day off.

I also have an availability indicator in the sidebar of my blog. (If you’re on mobile, it may show up at the bottom of the page, instead of on the side.) I can usually remember to turn it on and off, so if you check that, you can know when I’m available.

And, of course, if you’d like to contact me between my times of availability, my email inbox is always open:
